Over Beatriz
My name is Beatriz. I was born in Venezuela.
In my constant task of becoming a better person every day and to grow up spiritually, I found yoga and yoga found me. So in 2013 I decided to do the 200hr Teacher Training in Costa Rica and I have been teaching Vinyasa yoga flows since then.
It is no secret that yoga postures bring space and flexibility to the body, but we often overlook how openness extends to other aspects of life, like to live comfortably in our bodies and to make compassionate and wise choices in our lives.
Yoga opened my heart to new ways of experiencing the world while challenging any limiting thoughts or behaviors.
Being consistent with something is hard. Doing it every day is even harder. But that daily commitment can bring huge changes into our lives and that's my constant message to my students... Progress only comes if we show up!
The old me is gone. I believe I am a better person now and I am proud of it. That's why I am on a mission to spread these feelings everywhere I can, keeping always in mind my "G.P.R.Rules"... one of yoga's most important lesson, which is to be:
Grateful for our bodies, Patient with the progress and Respectful for our limitations.
All strength and love you need is within yourself, you just need to sit quiet and listen!
And breathe, of course!